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Scotland’s schools and hospitals could be taken to court unless they provide vegan food

The protected status of veganism means that we have a right to live in a way that avoids using and killing animals or paying someone else to do that for us and not to be discriminated against on account of our veganism.

TOM EDEN: ‘Vegans have warned public-sector organisations could be taken to court unless more is done to provide plant-based options. The Scottish Parliament has been petitioned to have vegan food on all public-sector menus from schools and hospitals to prisons and councils. Giving evidence in support of the petition, Barbara Bolton, a solicitor who deals with vegan law, condemned the “systemic failure” to provide for vegans.

Arguing public organisations have an obligation to provide vegan options, she said: “Vegans have legal protection under human rights and equality law because the vegan philosophy passes the test of non-religious belief that is serious, cogent and worthy of respect. “The protected status of veganism means that we have a right to live in a way that avoids using and killing animals or paying someone else to do that for us and not to be discriminated against on account of our veganism.” Ms Bolton added: “Ultimately, if nothing is done in terms of the human rights and equality issues, there will be claims that will go to court’. SOURCE…


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